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Handal Indah Sdn Bhd Received TOPSIS 2017 Bronze Award

Handal Indah Sdn Bhd Received TOPSIS 2017 Bronze Award

Handal Indah Sdn Bhd was awarded the Bronze Standard Organisational Award  from the Singapore‘s Ministry of Home Affairs in relation to Threat- Oriented Passenger Screening Integrated System (TOPSIS) on the 8th of March 2017 at the Immigration & Checkpoints  Authority (ICA) Building Auditorium, 10 Kallang Road, Singapore.

TOPSIS is a border security programme, which has been implemented across Singapore’s checkpoints since 2009. The programme leverages on both the security and non-security communities working at the checkpoints to flag out passengers, who exhibit suspicious Tell-Tale Indicators (TTIs) and subject them for enhanced screening.

The said Award was given for our active participation during the TOPSIS Programme in 2017. The theme of this year’s forum was “Recognize, Report, and Resolve – TOPSIS for secure Singapore. It highlights the “3R factors” that need to present in the operational culture of any facility for a suspicious or Tell-Tale Indicator (TTI) to be detected and successfully resolved.

Our Company was represented by Mr Johnny Low, Handal Indah Sdn Bhd Singapore’s Station Manager. He received the award on behalf of the Management.

According to Mr Low, “as a responsible Cross-Border Bus Company, the Award was a good recognition of our staff and employees in learning and contributing to the cross-border security of both Singapore and Malaysia.”