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Causeway Link: Togetherness in Sharing Happiness

Causeway Link: Togetherness in Sharing Happiness

Handal Indah Sdn Bhd under the branding of Causeway Link: The Smiling Bus organized a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programme on the 21st of November 2016 at Sanrio Hello Kitty and Thomas Town (SHKTT) Puteri Harbour with a theme “Togetherness in Sharing Happiness”.

This CSR programme aimed to promote employees’ proactive contributions to Society and as part of Handal Group of Companies’ corporate endeavours.

Ms Lim Chern Fang, Director of Operations and Marketing Department said that “as part of the Company’s slogan “the smiling bus”, we want to bring as much smiles as we can to the children”. She also added: “we should be feeling grateful and fortunate to have this opportunity to extend our love, care, and concern to the less fortunate ones in our society when we can. The children was really excited as it was their first time in the theme park.

This year’s CSR event special guests composed of children from:

  1. Kiwanis Down Syndrome Foundation from Taman Majidee which implements Early Intervention Programme (special needs education) for children with Down Syndrome;
  2. Persatuan Penjagaan Kanak- Kanak Terencat Akal Johor Bahru from Kulai, Johor which is currently taking care of 220 kids with special needs. Most of the kids under this organization are children with severely visually impaired, mentally and physically challenged, paralytic, Down’s syndrome, spastic, hyperactive, cerebral palsy, autistic, mute, and simply abandoned children. The home accepts children from all races and all religions.

Handal Group of Companies (HGC) brought a total of 105 children and staff from these two organization including staff volunteers from HGC to SHKTT theme park.

On this event, HGC donated a total of RM25, 000 to finance the admission tickets of the children and staff from these two organizations. The said budget was also inclusive of the payments for the exclusive SHKTT entertainment fee, meals, goody bags, and transportation for the guests to and from their places to SHKTT theme park. A total of RM4, 000 cash was also contributed by the staff and Management of HGC to donate to these two charity group (RM 2000 per organization).

HGC through the representation of Ms Lim Chern Fang and Mohammad Ramli Bin Mohamad, General Manager for Causeway Link Holidays delivered the surprised presents coming from the staff of HGC which includes Handal Indah Sdn Bhd, Handal Ceria Sdn Bhd, Triton, Liannex Corporation, Hipgraphy Sdn Bhd and Causeway Link Holidays.

According to Nino, a Physiotherapist from the Handicapped and Mentally Disabled Children Association Johor Bahru, he was very delighted as his patients was very happy to explore and enjoy the famous Sanrio Hello Kitty and Thomas Town in Malaysia. “This is also a good way for them to be exposed and mingle with the public”, he also added.

“I am very happy as Causeway Link Staff and Management were able to help us in bringing these patients from our premises for a new environment for them to enjoy. Thank you so much”, commented by Nino.